The Vincent Ehindero Award Logo


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Of Victories and Recognition

Woohoo! This is the third time that I’ve been nominated for the Vincent Ehindero Award and I’m super excited about this.

The Vincent Ehindero Award

Before we get seriously underway, I’ll like to say a big thank you to Mrs Tangie T. Woods and Miss Ria who both nominated me for previous Vincent Ehindero Awards. Also, if you’ll like to read em, you can check out my first and second replies here and here.

Okay, let’s begin.

First, The Rules…

  1. Thank the person who nominated you with a link to their blog.
  2. Make a post of the award (with a photo of the logo).
  3. Post the rules.
  4. Ask 5-10 questions of your choice.
  5. Nominate 10-30 other bloggers (or more) and notify them.

My profound gratitude goes to the jolly Jirah Merizz for nominating me for the Vincent Ehindero Award. Thank you so so much.

The Vincent Ehindero Award Loho

Jirah is a philosophy major who discusses a wide range of topics with attractive vigor. She blogs about her life updates, societal concerns, blogging routine and most recently, her journey to becoming self hosted.

You can read her convincing writeup on the benefits of self hosting now.

My Replies…

1. What activities inspire you to feel like you’re living your life to the fullest?

Ah, a bunch actually. And I’ll list them accordingly.

  1. Seeing a stage play
  2. Networking at events
  3. Roadtripping
  4. Paintballing
  5. Taking a walk
  6. Touring new destinations
  7. Visiting an art gallery

I haven’t tried any super adventurous thingy in a long time but in the coming years, I’m willing to update my list with activities like scuba diving, kayaking, sand surfing, horseback racing and maybe space travel.

2. Three things that make you happy?

My Family, This Blog and Money.

3. How do you think your future self will remember your current self?

…as a young chap trying to make a good meaning of his life.

4. If today was the last day of your life, what would you be proudest of?

Lemme see… umm this blog.

5. If you could teach the entire world just one concept, what would it be?


6. What is something you’d never hesitate to stand up for?

I’ll be honest with you, I really don’t know.

7. What is your greatest achievement this quarantine?

I launched an engaging series on my blog and that’s a real big achievement for me.

The SURVIVING COVID-19 series explores events and happenings around the world related to travelling in the midst of this pandemic.

8. What are some of your focuses or plans for July 2020?

First would be to come up with topics to write about and publish a couple of articles, seven at least.

Secondly, I want to connect with more of my friends on the blogosphere and also on Twitter (*wink* kindly follow me).

And finally, I’ll like to quit a certain habit for good.

9. If you could describe this year in one word, what would it be?


10. Say something uplifting to your blog followers.

Hey friend,

I want you to know that we will pull through this current situation together. It may not happen real soon but before it does, I need you to get your content out here, work on being consistent and connect more with your friends and family.

And maybe, just maybe you lost your means of income or a loved one because of *Covid-19, my words may not be convincing enough but I need you to believe that better days are coming.

Thank you, yes you for always reading my articles.


And The Nominees Are…

1. Ava Tripathy – A_V_E_M

2. Blalock Writes – College African

3. Husain Necklace – Writers Fortress of Writing

4. Jackie – Calm Wildness

5. Jeanne Marie – Women Who Think Too Much

6. Mayowa Fagbure

7. Mia Winhertt – A Struggling Author

8. Morenike Alugo – Reni Alugo’s Blog

9. Murmel Meister – Sovely Matters

10. Simran Totlani – The Persever of Life

11. Swati Jena 05 – Chemistry of Souls

12. Vincent Ehindero

My Questions For You Are…

1. Did you enjoy where you grew up?

2. Would you rather live alone in a beautiful countryside or work hard and live in the city around the people you love? Why?

3. What do you love about living in your neighborhood?

4. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go?

5. Describe your idea of a perfect day.

6. What is your favourite form of entertainment?

7. Is mankind going in the right or wrong direction?

8. Is it better for someone to have a wide range of superficial knowledge or a deep knowledge about a few things?

9. What’s the last picture you clicked? Share it with us.

10. Give a random blogger a compliment.

In Other News…

I published my 100th blogpost and it felt asdfghjkl!

100 Posts on Wordp

Maybe not a huge milestone if I’m comparing myself to bloggers who started out with me but this is basically more than enough reason for me to be uber pumped. Yo, get me?

For my big 1 0 0, I wrote about some weird but highly effective techniques for containing the spread of Coronavirus onboard flights and other travel options.

Kindly read it here and share your thoughts.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog today.

What was my most interesting answer? C’mon lemme know in the comments below.

See ya on the next one.

Let’s keep the conversation going on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.


  1. Morenike Alugo Avatar
    Morenike Alugo

    Congratulations Emmanuel! … I enjoyed reading this and yes I really enjoyed and learnt a lot from the surviving Covid-19 series 🙌🏼. Also, a big congratulations on making the 100th post. Super proud of the amazing job you are doing 💗. Hoping to read the amazing posts you are going have up on the blog for this month 💃🏼💃🏼. Thank you Emmanuel for nominating me, I appreciate it 🤗


    1. Eromonsele Emmanuel Avatar
      Eromonsele Emmanuel

      Aw, thanks for your kind words Morenike! You’re very welcome.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Morenike Alugo Avatar
        Morenike Alugo


        Liked by 1 person

      2. Eromonsele Emmanuel Avatar
        Eromonsele Emmanuel



  2. PoojaG Avatar

    Congratulations on the well deserved award!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eromonsele Emmanuel Avatar
      Eromonsele Emmanuel

      Thank you so much PoojaG!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. PoojaG Avatar

        You’re very welcome!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Tangie T. Woods Avatar
    Tangie T. Woods



    1. Eromonsele Emmanuel Avatar
      Eromonsele Emmanuel

      Thanks Mrs Tangie!


  4. Sovely Matters Avatar
    Sovely Matters

    I was kinda running late, still it was so much fun answering your questions! Thanks for your nomination, my friend. Here are my answers:


    1. Eromonsele Emmanuel Avatar
      Eromonsele Emmanuel

      You answered at the perfect time. Thanks! I’ll check it out.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sovely Matters Avatar
        Sovely Matters


        Liked by 1 person

      2. Eromonsele Emmanuel Avatar
        Eromonsele Emmanuel



  5. aruna3 Avatar



    1. Eromonsele Emmanuel Avatar
      Eromonsele Emmanuel

      Thanks a bunch Aruna!


      1. aruna3 Avatar

        Most welcome🌷

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Eromonsele Emmanuel Avatar
        Eromonsele Emmanuel



  6. Husain Necklace Avatar
    Husain Necklace

    I don’t really read a lot of travel blogs, but I have to say yours is exemplary! Keep up the great work! And congratulations!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eromonsele Emmanuel Avatar
      Eromonsele Emmanuel

      Thank you so much for your kind and helpful words. I’ll try to be as consistent as possible.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Rejoy Dey Avatar
    Rejoy Dey

    Congrats. Followed you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eromonsele Emmanuel Avatar
      Eromonsele Emmanuel

      Thank you Rejoy!


      1. Rejoy Dey Avatar
        Rejoy Dey

        It’s always a pleasure 😊


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The Nigerian Travel Blogger | The Nigerian Customer-Centric Blogger | The Nigerian Afrocentric Blogger | Museums and Art Galleries in Nigeria | Art Gallery Reviews, Art Exhibition Reviews, et cetera

Hi, I’m Eromonsele Emmanuel Oigiagbe. I love exploring and writing about Nigeria and getting lost in arts, culture and Afrocentric discoveries.

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